Gid Hanasheh and World Challenges

Gid Hanasheh, which according to the deeper teachings of the Torah is connected to Tisha B’Av, represents the weak point of the Jewish people * Out of all the tendons in the body, the angel representing Eisav succeeded in injuring the tendon that connects the upper part of the body to the legs, in other … Read more


We are proud to invite you to a shiur from HaRav Eliezer Melamed shlit “a Rav and Rosh Yeshiva of Har Bracha and author of the acclaimed Peninei Halakha series. On the topic: “Study Torah on Shabbat” followed by a discussion of breaking Shabbat Yom Kippur and to save a life. The shiur will be … Read more

Uproot Terrorism from its Islamic Source

Islamic terrorism has become routine, but the West fails to understand its roots * Western intellectuals ignore the human longing for a life filled with faith, content, and idealism * The centrality of power and respect in Islamic faith, and its social and cultural effects * The decree of Jihad as an expression of the … Read more

 Break Free from Materialism

The inhabitants of Sodom worshiped material wealth, and anyone who gave charity to the poor was considered a heretic * The pursuit of materialism is never satisfied * Today as well, some people value a person according to his wealth * The price paid by society for worshipping the rich * For those enslaved to … Read more